Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Letter to investors of Unitedogs and Unitedcats.com

We are writing on behalf of the users of Uniteddogs.com and Unitedcats.com (UDC) that we understand has been one of Estonia’s top new business enterprises but is now failing.
We are aware from an article in an Estonian newspaper that the site is up for sale and the site's founder, Mr. Ragnar Sass, no longer controls the site's future as it is in the hands of a group of investors.  Mr. Sass or any of the previous administrative staff are not aware that we are sending this letter.

For a long time no one made us aware that our beloved site might shut down.   We believe this is unacceptable business procedure, considering that many users have purchased champion memberships, points, etc.   However, more importantly is the viability of this unique network for lovers of cats and dogs.   There has been total silence from anyone connected with the site and the site's Community Manager was even forbidden to communicate to us the great difficulty the site was in.

Since the launch of the Estonian version of UDC four years ago, users have been meeting and getting to know people all over the world through their pets. Unlike other sites for pet owners, UDC encourages pet owners to interact with each other regarding all aspects of their pets' care, including the death of a pet and adoption of a new one.  Many people on the site have disabilities. Some are housebound and alone except for their pets. Some run shelters and some are busy professionals whose pets provide love, continuity and a sense of reality away from their hectic business lives.  There simply is no other site to compare to this one (and we have investigated almost all the other pet sites available), partly because of our own emotional and creative involvement with each other and the site itself.  It is one of those deeply human things, even though it is about animals, that should be preserved and not reduced to rubble simply because it isn’t lining someone’s pockets deeply enough.
We are asking for an explanation as to why we were not told the site was in trouble. It is very likely some of us could have helped. It was not only pointless to try to deceive us, it was and remains unethical.
We would appreciate being kept informed about this situation. For example, why did UDC stop selling advertising?  Surely this would have helped keep it solvent as the pet food industry is big business and with all the site's users, the companies had a ready-made niche-audience for their products as well as free advertising from the testimonies of pet owners themselves.    
We would also like to know why the site cannot be sold back to its founders or to another interested party.
We would like to know what is being done to keep the site alive. The site had about 350,000 users. Often over 150 would be logged in at one time just on one language site! That is not a failing site. Why then was financial support withdrawn? There are petitions to keep the site alive currently being signed with large numbers of signatures.

Our main concern as loyal users is how our beloved UDC can be saved.  If it could be saved by being purchased, we plead with any interested party to look into that possibility.   If there is something that we as users can do, tell us.  

On behalf of UDC users:
Dr. Marketa J Zvelebil (UK)
Marsha Samaya Whelan (Canada)
Elizabeth Ann Scarborough (USA)

Saturday, June 19, 2010


Woke up late, V&V let me sleep.
Found out that during the night some b£&!?d has damaged my new car. No point in repairing it, as that side will only get bashed in again. People drive too fast here, and the council refuses to make it a one way street, even though only one car can pass through. And the police use it as a short cut to Harlesden - one day there is going to be a death.

As some of those that drive through this road so fast would say; some one disrespected my car. And I hate that word. Especially when so often it is misused, in my opinion, by people who don't seem to realise that respect has to be earned, that it isn't a god given right. At least not in the way I take it to mean.

Read P. Morgans book " a big mouth Brit" makes you realise that celebs don't live anything that resembles a normal life. Why do they get payed so much and are so revered when what they do is so...can't find the right word.

Fathers day tomorrow...I do miss him so.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Half a century birthday

23rd of May 2010

So, it is here at last. I have reached that age – that “middle-age” of, yes of 50!

I don’t feel 50 – however, one is supposed to feel. I only don’t feel like I thought I should feel when I was a teenager and discussing being half-a-century old with my dear friend, Ellis. Well, she has a few years to go yet. I still feel the same, like a little kid trying to find my way in this world of ours.

Sure things have changed, and yes I am more “grown-up” since then. I have a job, a house, and a feline family to look after. One of my parents is no more and the other one is much older. And a lot of things have become clearer. But…other things continue to confuse and I continue to seek answers. I still like to do “naughty” things, still get pleasure from small fun things, from seeing my friends, from having fun, from playing games. Still get sad from sad things, big and small.

So what has changed? My physical appearance – yes (although most people think I have just reached 40 when I mention significant birthday). I have more aches and pains. I am a bit less fit. I need glasses to read! So those are the changes. But otherwise I am the same as when I was 20, 30, 40 and now 50.

No, there is a change. A bit of sadness that time is passing and I haven’t done all the things I wanted to do yet. And there is less of that feeling that “I can change the world”. Those two things are different.

But otherwise I am still 21 years old at heart and mind.

I had a good party in any case – need to celebrate it – not commiserate it. Here are some photos from this do! Loved the cake.