Friday, June 26, 2009

Year 2009 - the year of death

Ok - I too will write this down as so many people will today. Michael Jackson has died at the age of 50 of a suspected sudden cardiac arrest. I was not a fan of MJ, but it just never occurred to me that he would die, and so young. Everyone in the UK was looking forward to his forthcoming concerts. Some did think he would cancel, but not in this way.

Another death occurred but was overshadowed by MJ's. That is the death at only 62 of Farrah Fawcet, one of the original Charlie's Angles (CA). Now her I liked, I liked them all in CA, and they became, to some extent my role models when I was a kid. So I mourn her death. Mainly I hope that all the children of these two people can find some peace and comfort.

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