Friday, November 24, 2006

Childhood - gettin old

Had some time to spare today – so first I looked up my old schools in Holland that I visited, found some old photos from there of me and my class mates – I am talking 30 years ago! Got all maudlin, wishing for my childhood again. Looked at other old photos; of my best-friend and myself, more than 30 years ago. Those were the days – sure it wasn’t all fun – but generally I had a good time as a kid (especially after getting better from my illness) and even as a teenager.

Someone asked me if I would want to go back to that time and would I change anything:

Sure I would like to go back – all those years to live again, and times were less nasty then – ok we had the cold war, I was a refugee from the Soviet block. But, maybe through my child’s eyes, thing looked more hopeful than they do now. Would I change something – Yes – I would not go into the Academic world. I would still do science but then go into Industry. At least, even though you are not appreciated (just as in Academia) you get better paid.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Monday the 13th

Well for me it an unlucky day is not Friday the 13th but Monday the 13th.
First one of my cats is so allergic to a flea treatment that she now has an open wound. And I get all distressed when one of my dear cats is suffering or ill. Then I heard today that my consultancy of two years is not going to be renewed. I will miss the money from that very much and also the interesting work. They want a permanent person now, sadly for me. And then even sadder one of my friends is leaving London for other lands. Argh what a day!